Arch. Martina Di Egidio. Roma
Facebook: ARCHINlinea
Instagram: @archin_roma
The studio’s main focus is on the transformation of the urban built environment, with a priority approach to residential and hospitality, catering and commercial facilities. I like to think that ArchIN can be an incubator of different minds and specialisations that converge, according to need, for the development of a project. The desire is for a mixture of technical, specialist, artistic, craft and practical skills.
The originality of a project is built on the wave of curiosity both for the different forms of everyday life and for the evolution of styles and materials. A fundamental element of the design process is tailor-made architecture, tailored to the needs and inclinations of the people who will live there, an objective that we seek to achieve by getting to know the intentions and tastes of the client. The ultimate goal is for the user to recognise himself in the new space and feel welcomed or, better still, inspired to live in it.
Archin also has a different vocation, a different extension called ArchinPro_ urban progression_, which aims to seek new areas of intervention at various scales with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of existing spaces, generating new forms of social interaction, redeveloping degraded areas, making architecture a tool for improving the quality of life in its many facets. For this reason, over time we have approached urban regeneration, the study of alternative housing strategies, cohabitation and participatory planning with different groups. To date, the path taken in this perspective is the participation in Architetti Senza Frontiere Onlus and Sottovuoti, a workshop of participatory planning.
Category: Home
City: Rome
Realization: 2019
Tonalite products used:
Bathroom wall Trapez talc
Kitchen wall tiles Trapez talc
Kitchen wall tiles Trapez lavagna and teal
Giulia Venanzi
For this project I was interested in identifying materials with pure, strong and compact colours with the possibility of creating variation in the unusual shape of the trapezium and in the possible graphic aggregations that could be chosen.
In general, the design choices were guided by the desire to identify focal points where colour could be used to amplify the volumetric forms. The building located in the Olympic Village in Rome cites the five points of modern architecture and Le Corbusier in its original construction, and it was considered important to dialogue with the architectural typology and to reinterpret the fundamental elements of the ribbon windows, the free internal plan and the reinforced concrete structure in a new way, emphasising them with colours, volumes and light, trying to bring them into resonance.
Tonalite was chosen because of the original shape of the Trapez line and the possibility of creating different aggregate shapes. I have used Tonalite products on other occasions, finding good value for money, graphic and material solutions.
In the bathrooms and kitchens, even though the same talc colour was chosen, the choice of different combinations, combined with the use of contrasting or continuous stuccoes, has resulted in different material effects overall.
In the bathroom the majolica tiles were chosen in the contrasting line of black and white. In the talcum cladding the choice of black stucco also emphasised the aggregate design of the individual elements.
In the kitchen floor the choice was for contrasting colours, a recurring theme in the design of the flat. The colour teal has become one of the basic colours in the project, and is found in continuity in the carpentry units in the kitchen, from the original design produced by architect Martina Di Egidio, and in the living area.
Alignments are the characteristic element of the design in the kitchen. The ceiling plays a fundamental role in distinguishing the different areas: the element of the beam, which cuts across the flat longitudinally, has been emphasised through the use of colour and exploited as an ordering stimulus for functional organisation. The colour of the kitchen and ceiling picks up on the play of colours of the floor tiles, in a chessboard with a trapezoidal base.
Tonalite is a company that knows how to dare, who likes to get out of traditional routes and follow new paths. Some of its collections seem just made to awaken the desire for originality and imagination that seemed off due to too many years of minimalism. Style variations by Tonalite touch colours, decors, finishes and sizes.
23×10 cm
Tonalite is a company that knows how to dare, who likes to get out of traditional routes and follow new paths. Some of its collections seem just made to awaken the desire for originality and imagination that seemed off due to too many years of minimalism. Style variations by Tonalite touch colours, decors, finishes and sizes.
23×10 cm
Arch. Laura Cugnidoro
Arch. Tonia Persichitti – Lovisedil
Arch. Valentina Marmorato
Progettista Ing. Elena Zunarelli – Arch. Tonia Persichitti
Nicoleta Ușacov
Bucharest, Romania
Eloisa Ferretti – Corinna Cavagnaro
Architetto Flavia Donatella Esposito
Capri (NA)