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Home / Progetti / The Kraklè collection for a forest-green bathroom

  • The Kraklè collection for a forest-green bathroom


Officine Norma with Arch. Marta Cammarano and
Arch. Alessandra Cappelletti

Instagram @martacammarano

Casa Guidi

Category: Home
Tonalite products used:
Kraklè 10×30 cm verde bottiglia  – Bathroom wall cladding


De Masi

Instagram @demasishowroom


Francesca Maiolino

Instagram @francescamaiolino

What were your objectives when you chose the materials to be used for your floor or wall coverings?

In this project, the tones of nature prevail in different shades of green such as sage, mint and wild pine. The result is very enveloping and even though the space is not very generous, the relaxing properties of this colour scheme have their effect.
Designing a bathroom always gives great satisfaction, especially when going back in time one finds photos of all the steps that led to its realisation.

What made you choose the Tonalite products? What colours and combinations did you choose, and how did you use them?

The protagonist wall is definitely the shower wall where a tile from the Kraklè collection was used in a bottle green colour, reminiscent of shades of deep forest.

Right in front of the bathroom window is a very tall pine tree🌲 and its foliage, in addition to being a beautiful viewpoint, dialogues well with the tiles chosen for the shower.
