Certificazione ambientale
In 2023 Tonalite obtained Certiquality third-party verification of the compliance of its production with international standard “ISO 17889-1 – Sustainability for ceramic tiles“, the new standard for assessing the sustainability of ceramic products for the construction industry.
Standard ISO 17889-1 aims to provide design professionals and consumers with a verifiable, internationally valid standard for determining the sustainability of ceramic products on the basis of criteria of environmental, economic and social sustainability covering all aspects of the product’s entire life cycle, from raw materials to disposal, also taking into account employees’ health and safety.
The standard is aligned with goal number 12 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for consumption and production, established by the UN in its 2030 Agenda.
This milestone confirms Tonalite’s commitment to supporting policies of environmental and social responsibility in all its productive activities, certifying the excellence and sustainability of its production.
Environmental Criteria
Raw Materials
⦁ Tonalite records raw materials in a register and keeps their safety data sheets on file.
⦁ More than 90% of raw materials are reclaimed, collected or extracted within an 800 km radius of the production facility.
⦁ The company’s products contain more than 40% recycled and/or reused scrap.
⦁ Contracts are signed for the purchase of materials only with suppliers who implement their own environmental policies.
Energy management
⦁ Tonalite submits to certified audits of its thermal fuel systems at least once every 5 years.
⦁ The company has implemented a heat recovery system in its firing kiln.
⦁ At least 20% of the electricity employed in the production process comes from renewable sources.
⦁ Natural gas is the fuel employed in its production plants.
⦁ The specific fuel consumption of the firing kiln is measured, calculated and recorded, and falls well within the limits.
⦁ The particulate (PM) and fluoride emissions of production plants are monitored and fall well within the limits.
100% of the scrap generated in the production process is recycled/reused.
A system has been implemented for reuse/recycling of packaging and other materials used in the production process.
Tonalite does not release wastewater, and all the water used in tile manufacturing is recycled within the process. Specific water consumption falls within the limits identified in the regulations.
The weight of primary packaging represents less than 1.5% of the weight of the packaged product, and it is made from 100% recycled material.
Packaging materials are recyclable and are labelled as such, with appropriate classification for recycling. Guidelines are provided for the separation and handling of packaging materials.
There are also guidelines for product installation, maintenance, and demolition/disposal with responsible use of environmental resources.
The product produces no VOC emissions.
Tonalite boasts sectorial EPD certification.
Economic and social criteria
Economic Criteria
First-choice product complies with product standard EN14411 (ISO 13006).
Social Criteria
Workers are informed of the chemical and physical risks and/or hazards associated with the workplace and working conditions.
Aspiration lines filtering out particulate matter have been installed in all pertinent areas in the production plant.
More than 5 periodic audits are conducted (registered at least every 4 years) regarding the concentration of airborne particles in the working environment, levels of exposure to noise, the number of accidents and occupational illnesses in proportion to the number of hours worked, medical surveillance by the employer, cancer risk, vibration risk, exposure to electromagnetic fields, …
The company has conducted an occupational risk analysis in order to identify the items of personal protective equipment necessary for working safely. These items of equipment are made available and used correctly by workers in the tasks and functions identified. More than 7 items of PPE are in use.
The company has developed an occupational health and safety management system in accordance with ISO 45001.
Tonalite has contracts in place for the purchase of raw materials and services only from suppliers who comply with occupational health and safety laws and regulations.
The company also has guidelines for procedures for safe, proper handling of tiles and their packaging, taking size and weight into account, and for cutting operations.
Product safety data sheets have been prepared and made available to resellers and installers, along with guidelines for the correct use and maintenance of ceramic surfaces.
Tonalite has a contract in place for the purchase of raw materials in compliance with labour laws.
Standard ISO 17889-1 promotes a single international standard for assessment of the environmental, economic and social impact of ceramic tiles, establishing a single set of international parameters for objectively measuring the environmental, economic and social impact of ceramic tiles throughout their entire life cycle, “from the cradle to the grave”.
An accredited certifying body (Certiquality) has attested, on the basis of information collected in laboratory tests, inspections, audits, etc., to the conformity of Tonalite products to the standard and their score.