Casa Bavv and Tonalite Crayon collection

Condividi su:
  • Casa Bavv

      • Category: Private home
      • City: Treviso
      • Realization: 2022
      • Tonalite products used:
        Crayon 7,5×30 – colors verde acqua and pesca


    Francesca Cancian



    Bonesso Pavimenti



  • Francesca Cancian


    What were your goals in the choice of covering (or flooring) materials?

    The project was inspired by the desire to create a familiar, welcoming and at the same time modern space.

    Why did you choose Tonalite products?

    I chose the Tonalite crayon series because it allowed me to play with colours and, thanks to the irregularity of its surface, it made it possible to create interesting and unexpected plays of light. The parallel vertical laying scheme, together with the matt flooring and the black taps add a modern flair to the design, catching the eye with different materials and textures.

    What colours and combinations did you choose, and how did you use them?

    For the bathroom in the living area, I chose the peach crayon combined with matt terracotta tiles to create a bathroom characterised by warm tones. For the bathroom in the sleeping area, instead, I used the teal crayon combined with opaque grey tiles to create a bathroom with cold tones, which makes you feel as if you had dived into the sea.


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