Tonalite Press Day: the knowledge of ceramics products

On March 17th we held at our headquarters in Sant’Agata Bolognese the “TONALITE PRESS DAY – IL SAPERE NELLA CERAMICA” (Ceramics Knowhow), an event for journalists in this field during which we shew our latest collections, explained our niche concept and, last but not least, we introduced our new venture: Tonalite.Studio.

The event was a great success and many have spoken or written about it on magazines and online portals.

On Marketing Journal was published a beautiful article that narrates Tonalite’s story, capturing the peculiarity or our range of products and of the idea behind our work:

A leader amongst the producers of ceramics… specialised in high quality single-fired tiles with a no-compromise design

And later:

All tiles are conceived and designed with in mind the final pruduct’s quality, regardless of its cost, of the technical complexities, of the artisanal abilities involved: the final piece must perfectly reflect the idea behind it, form the first concept to its designing, the choice of materials and colour. A perfect example are the brand’s main colours: the Rosso Tonalite or Rosso Selenio, the colour that has become the Company’s trademark.

Finaly, much has been said about Tonalite.Studio,

…a branch of the company involved mainly in Design in all its facets, born from the will to cooperate with Architecture Bureaux in order to merge competences and research new and innovative production possibilities.

You may find here the article appeard on the MarketingJournal.

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